a sf
object points of African airports.
See data-raw/afrilearndata-creation.R for how the data object is created.
Formal class 'sf'; 50 rows 5 columns
id id numeric
ident ident XXXX
type large_airport medium_airport small_airport
name airport name
elevation_ft elevation in feet
continent continent code AF
country_name country name
iso_country country code two letters capitalised
region_name name of region
iso_region iso region code incl country XX-YY
local_region region code excl country YY
municipality municipality
scheduled_service scheduled_service 1=yes, 2=no
gps_code gps charecter code
iata_code iata character code
local_code local code
home_link web page url
wikipedia_link wikipedia url
keywords keywords
score score
last_updated last update
geometry coordinates of the point sfc_POINT
Geographical coordinates WGS84 datum (CRS EPSG 4326)
if (requireNamespace("sf", quietly = TRUE)) { library(sf) data(afriairports) # or read from the csv file which is stored in package as example to work with # filename <- system.file("extdata","afriairports.csv", package="afrilearndata", mustWork=TRUE) # dfairports <- readr::read_csv(filename) # and convert to sf object # afriairports <- sf::st_as_sf(dfairports, coords=c("longitude_deg", "latitude_deg"), crs=4326) #plot(sf::st_geometry(afriairports)) }#> Warning: package 'sf' was built under R version 4.0.5#>